

image001Bamboo scene model Scene, size: 3M*5M*0.1M

Production equipment: SHDM SLA 3D printer 3DSL-800, 3DSL-600Hi

Product design inspiration: The original design spirit of the product is jumping and collision. The dot mirror space of black polka echoes with the bamboo growing in the mountains and the base of flowing water in the mountain, which conforms to the theme of the customer’s flagship store in Japan.

The bamboo scene took 5 days from printing to later coloring and took more than 60,000 grams of photosensitive resin material, which reflects the beauty of the integration of 3D printing technology and traditional craftsmanship, as well as the inability of traditional craftsmanship to meet the manufacturing requirements of complex building models. Now the advantages of 3D printing technology are more significant.

The scene is mainly composed of 3 bamboos with a diameter of 20cm and a height of 2.4M; 10 bamboos with a diameter of 10cm and a height of 1.2M; 12 bamboos with a diameter of 8cm and a height of 1.9M. The wall thickness of the bamboo model is 2.5mm.

image002Try samples

Post time: Nov-12-2020