

Volvo trucks North America has a New River Valley (NRV) plant in Dublin, Virginia, which produces trucks for the entire north American market. Volvo trucks recently used 3D printing to make parts for trucks, saving about $1,000 per part and greatly reducing production costs.

NRV factory’s advanced manufacturing technology division is exploring advanced manufacturing technologies and 3D printing applications for 12 Volvo truck plants worldwide. At present, the initial results have been obtained. More than 500 3D printed assembly tools and fixtures have been tested and used in the innovation project laboratory of NRV factory to improve the production efficiency of trucks.


Volvo trucks chose SLS 3D printing technology and used high-performance engineering plastic materials to make, test tools and fixtures, which were eventually used in truck manufacturing and assembly. The parts designed by engineers in 3D modeling software can be directly imported and 3D printed. The time required varies from a few hours to dozens of hours, which greatly reduces the time spent in making assembly tools compared with traditional methods.


Volvo trucks NRV plant

In addition, 3D printing also gives Volvo trucks more flexibility. Instead of outsourcing the production of tools, 3D printing is done in the factory. It not only optimizes the process of making tools, but also reduces the inventory on demand, thus reducing the cost of delivery of trucks to the end users and improving the competitiveness.


3D printed paint spray cleaner parts

Volvo trucks recently 3D printed parts for paint sprayers, saving about $1, 000 per part produced compared to traditional manufacturing methods, significantly reducing production costs during truck manufacturing and assembly. In addition, Volvo trucks also use 3D printing technology to produce roof sealing tools, fuse mounting pressure plate, drilling jig, brake and brake pressure gauge, vacuum drill pipe, hood drill, power steering adapter bracket, luggage door gauge, luggage door bolt and other tools or jig.

Post time: Oct-12-2019